ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin! Welcome To The CoolAnimeHustler
Blogspot! I'm The CoolAnimeHustler And Today I Want To Talk About A Cool
Website Called Waifu2x!
Waifu2x Is A Powerful Image Scaling And Noise Reduction Algorithm For Anime-Style Art And Other Types Of Photos. Waifu2x Can Easily Turn A Small Sized Image With A Lot Of Background Noise And Transform It Into Double Its Size While Drastically Reducing The Background Noise Within The Image! This Tool Is Quite Useful For Anyone's Digital Art Or Pixel Art Because It Can Make Your Images Stand Out And Become High Quality Even You Made It In Low Resolution! This Can Really Help Me Create Some Great MUGEN Stages For All Of Awesome MUGEN Fans Within A Short Time Frame And That's Great! The Cost Of Using Waifu2x? It's Free! That's Right! This Powerful Tool Will Give You The Power To Upscale Your Images While Reducing The Background Noise Within The Image At No Cost At All! So If You Want To Touch Up And Enhance The Quality Of Some Of Your Art Than I Highly Recommend Using Waifu2x In Your Laifu, Yo! Here's a Link To The Website...
Well, it's nice talking to yall. If you want to leave a post, feel free
to do so. Until we meet again...Its All Cool! You Knowwhatimsayin!
ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”♬ !
Wow, this tool is incredible, it works perfectly!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the recommendation, it is too useful!
ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin Finola! Thank You For Posting On My Website! It Really Means A Lot! You're Welcome, Yo! There's A Lot Of Free Useful Tools On The Internet That Can Help Make Life A Little Bit Easier! I Love To Discover New And Exciting Programs That Can Help Someone Achieve Their Goals! Keep Having Fun And Keep Being Awesome, Yo! ⊂(▀¯▀⊂)
DeleteI recently started doing scenarios, today I did my first stage using this program, and it is much more effective at enlarging sprites than the Fighter Factory (´ω`)
ReplyDeleteʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin Finola! Thank You For Posting On My Website! It Really Means A Lot! That's Great! I Would Love To See Your MUGEN Stage Sometime! I Was Thinking About Making A Picture Of Some Food A Little Bit Bigger In The Future! I Just Got To Decide What Food It Will Be! I'm Glad This Program Has Helped You Out On Your MUGEN Adventure! I Guess You Can Say That Waifu2x Is Tru Waifu! LOL! Keep Being Awesome, Finola! (o^.^)-b
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Lo unico que se me ocurre es que hagas otra cuenta usando VPN.
No me gusta ver tu perfil baneado, tu no mereces eso.
En fin, eres una persona que admiro mucho y espero seguir todos tus ejemplos.
Muchas gracias por todos tus escenarios, son realmente divertidas y entretenidas!
Si necesitas algo de MA no dudes en decirmelo.
Muchas gracias!
ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- ¡Hola, ¿Cómo Está Goin Finola! Gracias Por Publicar En Mi Sitio Web! ¡Realmente Significa Mucho! ¡Está Bien! Estoy Contento De Haber Conocido A Ciertas Personas En El Sitio Que No Sabría Hoy! ¡Estoy Contento De Poder Hacer Feliz A La Gente Con Mis Etapas En Su MUGEN! Aunque No Soy Capaz De Conocer A Todas Ustedes Personas Impresionantes Allí De Nuevo, Voy A Seguir Haciendo Más Etapas MUGEN Porque Siento Que Si Puedo Hacer Que El Día De Alguien Un Poco Impresionante... ¡Entonces Está Bien Para Mí! Finola, Quiero Agradecerte Por Ser Increíble Y Quiero Agradecerte Por Ayudar A Otros En El Mundo! Con Estos Tiempos En Los Que Vivimos Hoy En Día, ¡Es Bueno Ver A Alguien Tratar De Hacer Una Diferencia Positiva! Manténgase Positivo, Siga Ayudando A Los Demás, Siga Aprendiendo Y, Lo Más Importante,... ¡Que Te Diviertas! ¡Mantente Atento A Más Etapas MUGEN Próximamente! ¡Va A Ser Genial! (o^.^)-b