Sunday, October 18, 2015

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Animation Gif Sunday!

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin! Welcome to the CoolAnimeHustler Blogspot! I'm the CoolAnimeHustler and today I provide you with a another Gif. Rest up today on Sunday and save up your energy for Monday! Keep moving forward from Point A to Point B!

Well, it's nice talking to yall. If you want to leave a post, feel free to do so. Until we meet again...Its All Cool! You Knowwhatimsayin!
ʕ-̫͡-ʔ !


  1. It is Friday today and I am so tired. I feel like this was a super long week. I have not been feeling good so I look forward to laying in bed tomorrow. haha And I love that gif you made there. Very artistic and simple. You should make a gallery for your animations.

  2. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's it Goin! Thank you for posting on my website it really means a lot, you know. Get plenty of sleep tonight for tomorrow brings a whole new chapter of your amazing life. If you drink apple juice before you go to bed you will have the most amazing dreams! I've tried this before and dreamed that I was Megaman and was fighting in Launch Octopus stage in Megaman X. Throughout the whole level Vapor Music was played by "Saint Pepsi" with a mix of DJ Screw. Oh man..It was an amazing experience!

  3. Wow, that enchanted me! It's one of my favourites gif now. You're very talented, you know. Of course you know, but still I wanted to say it LOL Anyways, have a good week!

  4. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's it Goin! Thank you for posting on my website it really means a lot, you know. You most certainly have a nice week as well and stay tuned for new resources.
