Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Animation Gif Tuesday!

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin! Welcome to the CoolAnimeHustler Blogspot! I'm the CoolAnimeHustler and today I provide you with another Gif. Whoa...Today I Ran Into Some Deep Writer's Block! It Felt Like My Brain Was Just Being Washed Back and Forth and Eventually Sinking Into A Narrow Deep Watery Grave! I Just Couldn't Write...Draw...Or... Do Anything That Dealt With Video Games...LOL! It Might Of Been All The Excitement I Had During My 2 Year Blog Anniversary! Man That Was Fun! I Haven't Been Getting Enough Sleep Since Then. Tonight I'm Just Going To Chill and Watch a Cool Anime and Fall Asleep. My Brain Should Be Hustlin and Bustlin Tomorrow With New Energy! One Cool Thing Did Happen Today...I Found 4 Cents Lined Up On The Street and I Saw The Trees Turn Orange and Yellow! What a Weird But Kind Of Cool Day! Anyway, I'm Going To Get Some Sleep! Get Sleep My Friends! Get Sleep and Have Awesome Dreams!

Well, it's nice talking to yall. If you want to leave a post, feel free to do so. Until we meet again...Its All Cool! You Knowwhatimsayin!
ʕ-̫͡-ʔ !


  1. Hey, nice GIf. I'm going to save this on my phone too. My birthday is coming up and I will like a customize GIF with my photos displaying a special birthday message. I will also like you feature it here. What will that take please?

  2. Hustling and Bustling, You're the most amazing Online hustler I've ever come across, I love this Gif, I feel like I'm in there.
