Saturday, July 9, 2016

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Animation Gif Saturday!

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Hey, How's It Goin! Welcome to the CoolAnimeHustler Blogspot! I'm the CoolAnimeHustler and today I provide you with another Gif. Studying some More Retro Pixel Art to Better my Spriting Skills. I've been Studying some of the Basic Sprites of the 1st Gen Pokemon Games. I like how they kept the Sprites Pretty Basic in which if you looked at the your Main Character and other Characters they weren't all that Flashy! Just Simple to Look At. The Developers of this Game Really Did a Great Job when It Comes with the Interactions With NPCs and Objects throughout the Game. The Battles in this RPG all still Insane and Fun to Look At. I Should Learn Some Programming with Interactions in My RPG Game...Make The Game Come Alive With Awesomeness!!

Well, it's nice talking to yall. If you want to leave a post, feel free to do so. Until we meet again...Its All Cool! You Knowwhatimsayin!
ʕ-̫͡-ʔ !

1 comment:

  1. This gif reminds me of the classic game called paperboy! They don’t make games as fun anymore that doesn’t include killing someone or blood and guts. The 90’s is the time in which games were more about skill than actual graphics of the game. Now you have to have an incredibly flat screen tv with an amazing resolution so you can play a game at the highest resolution. Back in the 90’s you had to adapt to possibly playing your video game on a black and white only boxtop set lol.

    TP3 #DallasStrong #Pray4Dallas
